Dear Amy,
You are one month old this week!
Last night, I remembered your birth (which is a bit of a comical story), and how I saw you being born. They announced you were a girl, the doctor laid you on my belly and then I just held you on my chest. Another baby girl. I was so thrilled. There was never a moment of wishing you were a boy or a hint of disappointment. It was sheer joy. With your sister, labor had me shaking too fiercely to feel comfortable holding her immediately. But with you, I got to hold you tight and secure - loving the fact that you had made your entrance so perfectly (right on time, too!).
You love to nurse, and after that really rough first three weeks (um, ouch!), it's a joy for both of us. You eat every 2-3 hours during the day, but let me sleep for 3-4 hours at night. Thanks for that - you rock. After your middle of the night feeding, you often like to look around and those are some of the moments where I see your face and personality come out. I hate putting you back to sleep after that, but well, I love sleep and can't nap all day like you. You don't take to your pacifier as easily as Emmalyn did, but you fall asleep without it easily. I'm not going to sugarcoat it: you've got some gas issues. But I know you're working on it, and we'll just keep giving you gas drops and holding you real tight until you get things straightened out. Anytime would be great though.
Emmalyn loves to look at you and tickle you, lay on top of you, and be burped beside you. I'm sorry if you're claustrophobic - she just likes to be close. When you first came home, every time we left the house she would say, "Amy come?" as though we were going to forget you and she had to remind us. As she got up from naps, she would have to locate you immediately to check on you. And when you cry, she goes "Amy, you okay. Amy, you okay" to soothe you. She likes to touch your face and insists on kissing you goodnight. It's not all roses and sunshine, but she is pretty proud to be your sister.
You, Daddy, and me have watched a lot of Netflix together. It's kind of our evening ritual since you like to be held all evening long, and eat most of the time between 8-10 p.m. You have been to church three weeks, and other people have held you during the service for two of those weeks! You are loved, darling! We have gone to the zoo twice, the bunny park with fountains twice, the mall, lots of dinners out, and many, many walks. You sleep in your carseat so peacefully and love to be in motion. We celebrated Grandpa's 60th birthday at a big party, and Aunt Emily came to visit from Louisville just so she could meet you! It's been a busy month!
Looking at you right now, it's clear our little newborn is growing up already! But I'm so excited - the four of us are going to have a blast together, and I am already thrilled at what's ahead for us. You weight 10.5 pounds right now, and I love every bit of it! They say you're tall too - but don't get used to it; the genes aren't really working in your favor there. Know, sweet Amy, that we love you so much and pray you'll know Jesus' love more and more every day of your life.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Thursday, September 5, 2013
during the first three weeks of maternity leave, i watched a lot of tv and movies. netflix and hulu were my jam. and it was good to rest and not have to think about anything as i was nursing a baby in my lap or bouncing her to stop the fussing. but i decided that i probably needed to engage my brain a little bit before it turned to complete mush. and i think i also found the end of facebook and pinterest. twice. so i've turned to reading; the kindle app is my new best friend. a few days ago, i finally finished "one thousand gifts" by ann voskamp. while i didn't love every page of it, there were some great thoughts that are continually to stir in me. and today, i just finished a book about sabbath. and aside from having me think a lot about how much i need to create space for a true sabbath in my family's life, i was reminded of something that i truly believe. stopping and looking for God's presence allows us to see Him and His work.
We must listen for God in the narrative of life ... God speaks through his Scriptures and the lives contained in them, but he also speaks through our lives, wives [husbands :)], children, parents, friends, nature, music, food, trials, and triumphs. (24/6 by Matthew Sleeth)writing has always served as a release for me. and while i care a lot about punctuation and spelling, i don't care much for capital letters. sorry if that bothers you. :) or if smiley faces bother you. sorry about that too. ;) i don't want to write about ME all the time, but about what makes my days delightful. even when they're not filled with pure happiness and only good things, there is delight to be found in every day. i need to treasure those things and moments, snapshots of His goodness.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
The Bible Book
We often read to Emmalyn before bed, and tonight Eric told me the most precious story. As he was putting her to bed, she kept asking for the "Bible book" over and over. He gladly brought over our Jesus Storybook Bible (the best kid's Bible ever), and asked her what story she wanted to read. Her only response? "Jesus". Way to make your parents proud at 26 months, kid. We love you!
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